Hi All,
I am planning to learn Angular.js from today and I using the http://campus.codeschool.com/courses/shaping-up-with-angular-js/ for my first training. Beginning my training, will keep posting here how it goes...

Beginning with the Introduction. They are taking about creating a gems store and I was immediately thinking whether I entered a Ruby tutorial... Got to focus up...

Even before starting the tutorial, we are asked to make sure we know Html/CSS and Javascript. Okay, I can handle that... Next up, about testing patterns, Behavioral Driven Development and Test Driven Development. I am sure I fall under BDD and my clients under TDD.

Good to know Angular.js is ONLY a front end framework and not a backend framework and it is more suitable for dynamic websites.

Listening about proper responsive sites. Also good to know Angular can load a specific section of the page without loading the whole assets list...

Directives are used to bind the method to events. ng-controller seems to the keyword for this. Not sure whether I get it correct so far. Need to get angular.js and twitter bootstrap. Downloaded Angular.js from https://angularjs.org/ and twitter bootstrap from http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/. By the way, I am trying out atom editor from editor. Might try this with that.

Good to know Angular.js is a module driven architecture. In the examples shown, the script tag is included in the body tag, not sure whether that has any impact on the Application load time.

ng-app is the directive to run a module when the application loads. Seems to be not so intuitive. Time for the challenges...

Completed level 1 and learnt the following directives
ng-app - for binding modules
ng-controller - for binding events
ng-repeat - for iterations (cool by the way)
ng-show and ng-hide - expression based data display.

Now will probably go to next chapter after testing a local demo. Seems to be quite interesting..:)


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