Here are the list of apps that I almost use on a day to day basis. This blog will be updated with the apps in the subsequent versions.

  1. Docky (MAC like doc)
  2. Nylas N1 (Email client)
  3. Skype
  4. Vim
    1. Pathogen package manager
    2. Twitvim
    3. NERDTree
  5. Sublime Text
  6. VLC Media Player
  7. SSH
  8. Unity tweak tool
  9. Openbravo ERP stack
    1. Java
    2. Ant
    3. Postgresql
    4. Tomcat
    5. Eclipse Indigo
  10. Node.js (useful for many plugins)
  11. Google Chrome
  12. Noobs Labs Ubuntu themes and icons
  13. Teamviewer
  14. Fogger App


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