The future of the Enterprise solutions industry belongs to micro services and in fact nano services. Gone are the days when Enterprise applications were the ones that contained huge gigantic databases and middle ware and a crappy User Interface. In the current era where mobile first (or app first) strategy is driving businesses, the key to choosing an Enterprise solution is not just to use it as an application but also use it as a platform where you can keep on adding your solutions at least for the next decade. Openbravo being a company founded to develop Enterprise applications based on latest technologies has embraced this approach right from its early days.
One of the main USP’s of Openbravo ERP 3.0 is its RIA (Rich Internet Architecture) based on the smartclient framework. Openbravo was one of the pioneers in the Opensource ERP industry to move to a fluid client based architecture. In my earlier post , I attempted to dissect the User Interface elements in Openbravo. In this post, I tend to explain briefly the way the client side scripting is segregated which would be quite useful while debugging and also while extending the module and creating new scripts.
Attachments are one of the breezy UI aspects of Openbravo, where you can attach any number of attachments to any record in the application. The beauty of the feature lies in the fact that you can restrict the access to the attachments for a specific users/roles. An use case is provided here. From 3.0MP26 there are some improvements in the way Attachments are implemented.
In Openbravo ERP, preferences are a cool and effective way to manage restrictions and apply certain additional actions at various levels like Client, Organization, Role and even at the window level. For more information on using preferences, refer
One such preference was enabling/disabling toolbar options like Delete, Attach, Export. From Openbravo 3.0 MP17 you can enable or disable these options for a particular window or a particular user and even for a particular role. Lets see few scenarios where this could come handy.