Business lessons from the India - Australia series
Business lessons from the India - Australia series
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Working with Tomcat and Apache2 in Ubuntu
My journey with Angular.js - Day1
Analysing Openbravo as a platform
The future of the Enterprise solutions industry belongs to micro services and in fact nano services. Gone are the days when Enterprise applications were the ones that contained huge gigantic databases and middle ware and a crappy User Interface. In the current era where mobile first (or app first) strategy is driving businesses, the key to choosing an Enterprise solution is not just to use it as an application but also use it as a platform where you can keep on adding your solutions at least for the next decade. Openbravo being a company founded to develop Enterprise applications based on latest technologies has embraced this approach right from its early days.
Dissecting the application scripting architecture of Openbravo ERP 3.0
One of the main USP’s of Openbravo ERP 3.0 is its RIA (Rich Internet Architecture) based on the smartclient framework. Openbravo was one of the pioneers in the Opensource ERP industry to move to a fluid client based architecture. In my earlier post , I attempted to dissect the User Interface elements in Openbravo. In this post, I tend to explain briefly the way the client side scripting is segregated which would be quite useful while debugging and also while extending the module and creating new scripts.
Improvements in Attachment model in Openbravo
Improvements in Attachment model in Openbravo
Attachments are one of the breezy UI aspects of Openbravo, where you can attach any number of attachments to any record in the application. The beauty of the feature lies in the fact that you can restrict the access to the attachments for a specific users/roles. An use case is provided here. From 3.0MP26 there are some improvements in the way Attachments are implemented.
Managing coworking spaces using "Openbravo Coworking"
Managing coworking spaces using "Openbravo Coworking"
Openbravo POS on mobile devices
Enable/Disable options in Openbravo using Preferences
In Openbravo ERP, preferences are a cool and effective way to manage restrictions and apply certain additional actions at various levels like Client, Organization, Role and even at the window level. For more information on using preferences, refer One such preference was enabling/disabling toolbar options like  Delete, Attach, Export. From Openbravo 3.0 MP17 you can enable or disable these options for a particular window or a particular user and even for a particular role. Lets see few scenarios where this could come handy.
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Jobs', Schmidt's, Otellini's shady no-poaching agreements
Oracle 11g Installation on Windows 7 | MacLochlainns Weblog
Oracle 11g Installation on Windows 7 | MacLochlainns Weblog
Tips to speed up Openbravo Development
Openbravo Code Management
Speed up numeric data entry in Openbravo
Speed up numeric data entry in Openbravo
Openbravo Mobile: Agile Business at White Valley | Openbravo blogs
Openbravo Mobile: Agile Business at White Valley | Openbravo blogs
Openbravo Mobile: Technical Overview and Roadmap | Openbravo blogs
Openbravo Mobile: Technical Overview and Roadmap | Openbravo blogs
Sub reports in Openbravo
Sub reports in Openbravo
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Install Adobe Flash / Reader & Air in Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) | Liberian Geek
Installing Java6 in Ubuntu 12.04 : Sun Java and Debian 6 Squeeze | Geek.Like.Todd
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The Genius of Michael Clarke and the beauty of Test Cricket
Dissecting Openbravo 3.0 UI Architecture
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Difference between List and Set in Java Collection
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Git Book - Setup and Initialization
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How to extract numbers from a String
How to extract numbers from a String
How to set vim as your default editor in Ubuntu
How to set vim as your default editor in Ubuntu
Documentation: Status Update | Openbravo blogs
Documentation: Status Update | Openbravo blogs
Installing Ruby on Rails (ROR) in Ubuntu 11.10
Installing Ruby on Rails (ROR) in Ubuntu 11.10
Katan (Website) Designs: Ubuntu 11.10 - Managing your Ubuntu Server from terminal (as opposed to gui)
Katan (Website) Designs: Ubuntu 11.10 - Managing your Ubuntu Server from terminal (as opposed to gui)
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Significance of New Year 2012 and the Mayan Calendar | Tinkering the Mind
Swimming the Corporate Ocean -3 : Sleeping with a Moron
Swimming the Corporate Ocean -3 : Sleeping with a Moron
How to install Java 1.7.0 in Ubuntu 11.10
How to install Java 1.7.0 in Ubuntu 11.10
How to install Mercurial and Tortoise hg in Ubuntu 11.10
How to install Mercurial and Tortoise hg in Ubuntu 11.10
Installing Java6 JDK in Ubuntu 11.10
Installing Java6 JDK in Ubuntu 11.10
How to create a java SOAP Client to test a .Net web service
Automating Attachments process in Openbravo and the Newton's third law of Motion
Automating Attachments process in Openbravo and the Newton's third law of Motion
Creation and Deletion of folders in Java
Creation and Deletion of folders in Java
How to process XML File in java
How to process XML File in java
Using shell script for day today functions
Using shell script for day today functions
How to write a simple shell script file
Retrieving Openbravo properties in DAL code
Retrieving Openbravo properties in DAL code
உன் வாழ்க்கை உன் கையில்
உன் வாழ்க்கை உன் கையில்
A Touching Poem...
A Touching Poem...
Setting Date field in Openbravo Callout
Setting Date field in Openbravo Callout
Love “Redefined”
Love “Redefined”
Retrieving last changed value in Openbravo Callout
Retrieving last changed value in Openbravo Callout
Changing Timezone in Postgresql, Ubuntu
Changing Timezone in Postgresql, Ubuntu
HTMLArea in Openbravo
Ubuntu General Tips - 1
Ubuntu General Tips - 1
Creating Charts in Openbravo Reports
Creating Charts in Openbravo Reports
Psql Commands for PostgreSql
Psql Commands for PostgreSql
நாடகப்பள்ளி (The Dance School)
நாடகப்பள்ளி (The Dance School)
Understanding OBDal in Openbravo
Understanding OBDal in Openbravo
Postgresql database configuration for global access
Postgresql database configuration for global access
Tree Structure for Custom Windows in Openbravo
Tree Structure for Custom Windows in Openbravo
An emotional review of Openbravo 3 history | Openbravo blogs
An emotional review of Openbravo 3 history | Openbravo blogs
Purpose of Application Element in Openbravo
Purpose of Application Element in Openbravo
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கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - April 2011
Import Loader Process For Custom Modules
Import Loader Process For Custom Modules
Database Development Perspective in Eclipse for Openbravo,Postgres
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YouTube - kamal drunken speech.flv
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கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - March 2011
கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - March 2011
Openbravo 3.0 Shortcuts
Openbravo 3.0 Shortcuts
Radio Button Reference for Openbravo
Radio Button Reference for Openbravo
Retrieving Parameters for DAL Process and Callouts in OpenbravoERP
Retrieving Parameters for DAL Process and Callouts in OpenbravoERP
Changing User Interface modes in Openbravo 3.0
Changing User Interface modes in Openbravo 3.0
கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - February Special
கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - February Special
கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - மழை
கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - மழை
கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - அழுகையின் சிறப்பு
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கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - நினைவுகள்
கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - நினைவுகள்
கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - பிரிவு
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கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - தேவதையின் வருகை
கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - தேவதையின் வருகை
கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - காதல் வாழ்த்து
கிறுக்கனின் கிறுக்கல்கள் - காதல் வாழ்த்து
Swimming the corporate ocean - 3 : "Colleagues"
Swimming the corporate ocean - 3 : "Colleagues"
Swimming the corporate ocean - 2 : The Tag "Freshers"
Swimming the corporate ocean - 2 : The Tag "Freshers"
Connecting to postgres database in java code
Connecting to postgres database in java code
Performance Enhancement in Ubuntu 10.04
Openbravo Environment Setup in Eclipse
Openbravo works with Postgres 9.0 !!!
Openbravo works with Postgres 9.0 !!!
Swimming the Corporate Ocean..:)
Swimming the Corporate Ocean..:)
ODI's are still alive
Both Ends of a Knife : THE END
Both Ends of a Knife : THE END
Displaying Images in Openbravo
Both ends of a knife - 11
Both ends of a knife - 11
Both ends of the knife - 10
Both ends of the knife - 10
Both Ends of a Knife - 9
Both Ends of a Knife - 9
Email Validation using Callouts in Openbravo
Email Validation using Callouts in Openbravo
Phone Number Validation in postgres
Phone Number Validation in postgres
Both ends of the knife - 8
Both ends of the knife - 8
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